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2017 News

December 9, 2017

Barry K7BWH

Poodle Dog VHF Breakfast Report

It's nice to catch up with friends over breakfast, and enjoy watching the experts test and tune microwave radios after the meal.

We had 18 attending: Ray W7GLF, Jim K7ND, Bob N7QOZ, Bob W7BA, Tom KE7SW, Barry K7BWH, Nick N0CYT, Dale KD7UO, Fred N7FW, John W7FU, Adam W2NCC, Rod WE7X, Merle W7YOZ, John N7MWV, Barry AC7MD, Veda KG7OOL, Loren WA7SKT, Jim N7ND, Stan KG7P (Did I miss anybody?)

John W7FU said that "the Test and Tune time went well. Quite a few people showed up to watch and offer advice. Ray managed the power meter and level settings. I handled signal sources. Dale, KD7UO, and Barry, AC7MD, brought their W1GHZ 10 GHz transverters. We were able to help with RX and TX alignment and set the proper IF drive levels etc. One observation is that these W1GHZ transverters, while capable of great performance and elegantly designed, they are a bit of a bear to tune even with test equipment. The pipe cap filters adjusting screws are pretty touchy. I enjoyed the session and learned a lot. Maybe the next time at the Poodle Dog or at Parkers we can have another Test and Tune."

Ray W7GLF, Bob W7BA, and more Adam W2NCC, Merle W7YOZ, and others Bob W7BA and Tom KE7SW Barry AC7MD Dale KD7UO and others Nick N0CYT and John W7FU

Barry K7BWH

December 6, 2017

Bill N7EU

Rogue Valley Lunch, Oregon

Our usual scribe is Bob K7JBU. Bob is in the hospital recuperating from an operation so I will fill in for him this month with the Rogue Valley VHF Group. Our thoughts and prayers are with Bob for a speedy recovery.

On December 6th we held our monthly luncheon gathering at the Centennial Grill at the Centennial Golf Course. Attending were David KL1XI, Don WA7DCG, Bill N7EU, Bob KD6UIH, Gerald K6KSI, Lyle WB7VUF, Bill K7WGD, Steve KW5V, Rob N7RFD, and Bob N7RBP.

David KL1XI demonstrated satelltie communication using his mobile FM rigs in the car. David successfully connected with the new AO-91 satellite and made a few contacts. We were able to monitor the downlink with a Yaesu handheld FT-65 on 145.960 using only a rubber duck!

Steve KW5V brought his RV with the 40 meter magnetic loop on the roof and demonstrated his ability to use off-the-grid solar power to fire up his low band rig on 40 meters. The loop is made of copper water pipe tubing complete with a matching stub and adjustable sliding "trombone" capacitor. Steve did a lot of work to make the RV antenna and his workmanship and designs paid off well. We encouraged him to publish and photograph his work so others can share in his efforts.

Bill K7WGD showed us his new VHF/UHF radio.

Bob KD6UIH brought his newly acquired 223 MHZ trans-verter manufactured in the Ukraine. Bob and N7RBP Bob plan to start activating 223 MHZ SSB in the near future.

We meet for lunch on the first Wednesday of every month at 12:30PM. Our meetings are informal in nature and usually have a few show and tell items every month. Everyone is welcome!

Bill N7EU

October 24, 2017

Barry K7BWH

2017 Conference Proceedings

2017 Conference Group photo, with names

The complete 2017 Conference Proceedings and the Photo Gallery are now published online. We provide them on the world wide web for everyone instead of publishing and mailing disks. I'm sure you'll enjoy this collection of notes and pictures about the event.

This year, I'm trying out a new method to display photos. When you click on a photo collection, it will pop up a viewer with easy access to click through the entire set. Please let me know how well this works for you -- I haven't tested it on all possible screen sizes.

Barry K7BWH

October 14, 2017

Barry K7BWH

Etienne K7ATN - 2017 VHFer of the Year

Etienne Scott K7ATN, 2017 VHFer of the Year

We are pleased to tell you that Etienne Scott K7ATN is our 2017 VHFer of the Year:   "For recruiting and mentoring regional hams in VHF, Microwave, and SOTA activity, along with developing skills in building antennas and operating contests, and more. His enthusiasm is catching and admirable."

This award was announced at our annual conference this weekend. It is given to the amateur in the Pacific Northwest who has gone above and beyond the call to further VHF+ activity. He was nominated by several people in both Oregon and Washington, and the board of directors voted unanimously for Etienne. We are all grateful for his energy and passion to further the goals he shares with our Society.

Barry K7BWH
Board of Directors

October 1, 2017

Barry K7BWH

New Conference Proceedings

I added the PNWVHFS 2006 Conference Proceedings and also the 2007 Conference Proceedings to our website for your nostalgic enjoyment. Plus, there's a ton of new "stuff" in the 2005 Conference Proceedings.

This was all brought in from historical CDs – the words and pictures haven't much changed. When Kevin Immel KF7CN originally produced all that, he did a heckuva good job and made this migration possible. However, the entire visual appearance did change:

  • New nav bar to "Time travel to conference year"
  • All pictures organized under "Photo Galleries"
  • Faint background that looks like binary
  • Flattened navigation - each year's index page includes a list of all the material available, all on the same page
  • Modern look and feel, including responsive design to support devices from wide desktops to narrow cellphones
  • 2004 and 2005 proceedings have been updated to the same modern look and feel, with flattened navigation

Enjoy. Let me know if you spot any hiccups.

Barry Hansen K7BWH
PNWVHFS Webmaster

August 30, 2017


Rogue Valley VHF Lunch on 8/30

We met for our monthly luncheon at Centennial Golf Club with 8 people present. Two of our regular members couldn't make it.

Bob Moore (KG7YFB) showed us three devices he'd purchased recently. Bill Martin is going to share a two meter Eggbeater antenna he used on the air to shake it down and acquaint the members of the local net With "on the air" signal reports . It is half the satellite array that will be used at N7EU this winter.

We're using 144.200 for our Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning get-togethers. Although we understand this to be the national calling SSB frequency, we use it to show those listening, 2m SSB is alive and well in the Rogue Valley.

Next monthly meeting is Sept 6th - all who are interested are urged to attend!


July 27, 2017

Barry K7BWH

New old 2004 and 2005 Proceedings Added Online

You can now enjoy online the presentations, pictures, technical resources, manuals, projects, videos, and other material from years ago. There is about 500 MB of new online files. We have published everything from the CDs released years ago for 2004 and 2005.

These new old web pages are kept in their original design layout for your enjoyment. The original CD is reproduced here on our website with minimal required updates. The historical look and feel is retained as much as practical to reproduce the state of web design in 2005. Isn't it remarkable how far we've advanced in the last twelve years.

A tip'o the hat goes to Scott N7SS for providing me the historical CDs.

Barry K7BWH

July 5, 2017


Rogue Valley July Luncheon

There were only five people at the luncheon this time; we are scheduled to meet on the second of August.

We had one new person at the meeting Marco (KF7MYJ); it is good to see some of the younger people get into the hobby.

Marco( KF7MYJ) and David (KL1XI) were working on the FM satellites They like to work both SO-50, and AO-85.They were comparing antennas, it was quite interesting.


June 14, 2017

Paul K7CW

New Pacific Northwest VHF Society Distance Record

Those members who have been watching 6-meter propagation know that this sporadic-E season is off to a great start. The digital modes of JT65A and MSK144 are becoming very popular and JT65A, designed for weak-signal work, has been used to work most continents (if not all) from the PNWVHFS area this year on 50 MHz.

On June 3, 2017, stations in the Western Washington and nearby areas experienced a big 2.5-to-3-hour-long opening to Asia. I personally worked 122 Japan stations on CW. Using JT65A, W7FI worked 2 Taiwan stations and 30 Japan stations. He heard a third Taiwan station and BA4SI also during the opening, but didn't work them. He was heard in the Philipines, as well! As I was looking at his numbers this morning, I saw that Jim had actually broken the Society 50 MHz Digital distance record when he worked the BV stations.

During the June VHF Contest, several PNWVHFS stations worked stations in JA, BA, BV and E51 (N) using JT65A.

This morning, I received a report from Hal, N7NW, that he had worked VK8MS last night (6/14/2017 UTC) on 50 MHz sporadic E using JT65A digital mode, a distance of 12255.32 kilometers. This JT65A contact broke the previous Society record by a whopping 3480 kilometers! Apparently, Society members made contacts also with stations in VK4 and E51 last night, as well.

I recorded Hal's record onto the PNWVHFS Distance Scoreboard which can be viewed at: www.qsl.net/k7cw/pnwvhfs/distancescoreboard.html (off-site)

BTW, if anyone thinks they may have broken a Society distance record, please send me the details so your accomplishment can be recorded.

73 and Good DXing

Paul K7CW
PNWVHFS Distance Scoreboard Moderator

May 3, 2017


Rogue Valley VHF Lunch on 5/3

We met for our monthly Luncheon at Centennial golf club, we had two guests present that we are in hopes of meeting with us monthly as well as on the air. Clair Martin (KC7ARX) and Arlen Hatlestad (W9PCI). There was no active Show and Tell though there were members active in the parking lot.

The next luncheon will be on 6.07.17 at Centennial, we meet oh 144.200 on Tuesdays at 19:00 as well as Wednesdays at 10:00 for those retired or can make it.


April 5, 2017


April VHF Lunch in Rogue Valley

We met at the Centennial golf club for our monthly luncheon, there were eleven people in attendance. It was as usual, a no host affair; there was no Show and tell from the members this month.

The next meeting will be 5.03.17 and will be at Centennial.


March 17, 2017

Barry K7BWH

Welcome New Members

Welcome new members in 2017: Britt Bayers KG7VLB in Portland, Jim Shaw WA6PX in Issaquah, Dave Schaller W7DEQ in Bellingham, Del Morissette WA7AQH in Nine Mile Falls, Rick Jones W7HBP in Olympia, Tom Wiswell W7TCW in Centralia, George Albertson WA7VIZ in Lacey, Wayne Connell KF7QHQ in Snohomish, Josh Richesin K7JLR in Madras, Roger Lustri W7TZ in Myrtle Creek, Nick Pair WB7PEK in Kelso, and Brian Dickman AF7MD in Beaverton.

Barry K7BWH

March 5, 2017


Rogue Valley March VHF Lunch

Ten of us met at the Centennial Golf Club for our monthly luncheon. Robert Earl (KD6UIH) gave a brief show and tell on an MFJ 4416 power booster and Robert Moore showed us an extension for our cell phones that will work with an external SIM card. The beauty of the extension is it will work on either operating system.

An excellent time was had by all; with excellent food.

Our next meeting will be April 6, 2017 at Centennial again.


February 11, 2017

Barry K7BWH

VHF Breakfast at the Poodle Dog, Fife

We had a good turnout for breakfast the the historic Poodle Dog restaurant in Fife (near Tacoma) with twenty people enjoying a good meal, lots of conversation, and a few equipment swaps on the side.

Darryl WW7D, Doug AC7T, Hal N7NW, Jim K7ND, Veda KG7OOL, Loren WA7SKT, John W7FU, Merle W7YOZ, Paul K7CW, Mark VE7AFZ, Tom KE7SW, Bob W7BA, Bob N7QOZ, Mike KD7TS, Stan KG7P, Eric N7EPD, Barry K7BWH, Ed KL7UW, Janet, Barry AC7MD

VHF breakfast at Poodle Dog on Feb 11th John W7FU and Merle W7YOZ at Poodle Dog on Feb 11th Hal N7NW and Doug AC7T at Poodle Dog on Feb 11th Ed KL7UW and XYL Janet at Poodle Dog on Feb 11th

Barry K7BWH

January 28, 2017

Steve Sala K7AWB

VHF lunch at Frankie Doodles in Spokane

VHF lunch at Frankie Doodle's in Spokane

There were 8 of us. Here is a picture with names and calls.

Left: KA6NZZ Karen Phelps, W6LLP Jim Phelps, KG7ZCW Dan Carter, WA7AQH Del Morissette
Right: W7OE John Dempster, K7HPT Mark Van Winkle, W7BHP Dick Snell

EWA Director Steve Sala K7AWB was holding the camera.

Steve K7AWB

January 14, 2017

Jim K7YO

VHF Lunch at Elmer's in Tigard, 1/14

A small but enthusiastic group attended the south area luncheon at noon at Elmer's restaurant on Saturday, January 14. The road conditions were still icy after a week of subfreezing temperatures and a recent dump of snow around Portland, which reduced attendance.

On left is Greg K7RSG with his daughter Bridgete. On the right is Lou WA7GCS and Jim K7YO.
After lunch, the group visited the new Ham Radio Outlet store across the street.

Jim K7YO