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Skip down to: Seattle, BC, Idaho, Tri-Band Net, NW Oregon, SW Oregon, California, Alaska

Net Name MHz Net Control Local
Pacific Time
NCS Equipment Modes Notes


Pacific NW 2m Net 144.240 W7GLF
CN87vr (off-site) K0JJ
CN85ns (off-site)
Sun 8 am

Tue 8 pm
  SSB Promotes tropo DX within the PNW and surrounding region
Also see Nets Spreadsheet
Pacific NW 220 Net 222.1 K7ND
CN87qf (off-site)
Tue 7 pm SSB Promotes 222 activity
432 Net 432.1 W7RNB CN87ts (off-site) Tue 7:30 pm   SSB Promotes 432 activity
Pacific NW 1296 Net 1296.1 CN87td (off-site) Sun 9 am SSB, CW Promoting 23 cm activity.

British Columbia

6m Net 50.150 VA7DXX CN89ca (off-site) Sat 11:00 am Nanaimo Amateur Radio Association (off-site) SSB Vancouver Island / Lower Mainland Net
2m Net 144.200 VE7BEE
DN09cf (off-site)
Tue 7:30 pm Horz or vertical SSB Open net in the southern interior BC and Okanogan.
2m WCWSA 144.220 VE7AFZ CN89mg (off-site) Tue 7:30 pm SSB Western Canada Weak Signal Association
225 SSB Group 144.225 VE7OR
CN89 (off-site)
Thu 7 pm Most of us are vertical and some are horz. SSB Open net in the lower mainland for new and old on SSB.


2m Net 144.200 W6GY DN13rp (off-site) Sat 9:00 am Treasure Valley SSB From Nampa, ID

Tri-Band Net, Portland and Vancouver

2m Net 144.250 KK7N CN85tn (off-site) Mon 7:00 pm 7dB collinear, 7dB colinear, 12 el Yagi, mainly vertical, 170W SSB Weekly ham activity of general and technical info; goes until 7:45 or 8 pm, and moves to 6m
6m Net 50.140 KK7N CN85tn (off-site) Mon 7:45 pm 4 el yagi or vertical (to accommodate check-in's polarity) at 25 feet, 35-75w SSB Weekly ham activity; net begins after 2m net finishes, and moves to 70 cm, have been doing this net over 25 years
70 cm Net 432.110 KK7N CN85tn (off-site) Mon 8:15 pm Vertical only, 70W SSB, CW To promote 432 activity; net begins after 6m net finishes

Portland, Oregon

2m Digital 144.174 N7LKL
CN85pm (off-site)
Thu 8 pm Horiz or vertical FT-8 and other Open net to promote 2M digital. FT-8 for first 20 min, then other digital modes. No net control. Coordinate via (off-site)
2m Net 144.200 WA6OEM or AG7TH
CN84ff (off-site)
Sat 9 am Mostly vertical SSB Open net, a casual chatty group. Check-ins range from Jefferson area down to Drain.
2m Net 144.240 CN87vr (off-site)
CN87xj (off-site)
Sun 8 am
Tue 8 pm
See Pacific NW 2m Net above, covers Portland as well
1.25m Net 222.100 KK7N CN85tn (off-site) Wed 7:30 pm Both horiz and vertical capable, 350w ERP SSB Weekly ham activity

Southwest Oregon, Rogue Valley, Medford, Douglas County

2M Net 144.200 N7EU
CN82nj (off-site)
Tue 7 pm
Wed 10 am
Antennas of all types, try it and see SSB Informal roundtable, everyone welcome
2M Net 144.200 K7POJ
CN83if (off-site)
Wed 8 pm Vertical and horizontal SSB Umpqua Basin Net, welcome DX check-ins

California (may be reachable from Pacific Northwest)

NorCal 432 Net 432.100 K6NC
CM98jk (off-site)
Sun 7 pm 4 x 9WL M2 yagis, vertically stacked, 75W SSB Weekly 432 net


2m Net 144.200 KL7UW
BP40iq (off-site)
Sat 9 am 4x array yagis + 140w, or 10dB vertical SSB Net serves southcentral AK: Western Kenai Peninsula, Anchorage, and Matsu Valley.
Alaska VHF-Up Group (off-site) promotes VHF operation 50 -1296 MHz.