KB6KQ Excellence Award

The PNWVHFS Technical Excellence Award recipient is a member who has significantly advanced the art of VHF/UHF amateur radio communications and whose achievements had been noted by fellow radio operators as well as technical and operational experts. This award is only issued when the PNWVHFS Board of Directors unanimously agrees a member candidate qualifies for this special recognition.

2018 - Chuck Miller, N6KW (SK)
2014 - Bruce Junkin KI7JA (SK)
2013 - Jim Christianson, K7ND
2008 - Norm Pederson, KB6KQ (SK)

The Chairman of the board will announce to the board members that nominations will be considered for the award. The Board of Directors (BOD) will have until August 1st to decide if there is a qualified candidate and come to a unanimous decision on the selection. It is not required that there be a candidate for any given year and there may only be one candidate maximum per year.

It is expected that the BOD will freely discuss amongst themselves the qualifications of any and all candidates in complete confidence. Board members may not disclose to anyone including the candidate the names and associated discussions of anyone under consideration before, during or after the nomination process. The Chairman will notify the President of a selection with the intent of making a presentation at the next PNWVHFS Convention. The President may share this information with the other officers of the club and Convention Chairperson as he deems necessary to effect the presentation of the award. The President may contact the recipient if he feels that it is necessary to assure the recipient will be present at the Conference although his presence at the conference is not required.