2019 Conference:
Proceedings of the
25th Annual
2019 Pacific Northwest VHF Society Conference
October 11 - 12, 2019 in Issaquah, WA

2019 Group Photo of PNWVHFS, with 64 of the total 74 attendees.
Holiday Inn

See the 2019 Photo Gallery.
2019 Presentations and Papers
- Rove to Rattlesnake Grids DN02-DN04
by James Colson, K7KQA
- Drive to Steens Mtn Summit
a YouTube video by Jeremy Alexander, W7EME
- 6-meter Large Vertical Array
by Marshall Williams, K5QE
- Multi-band Microwave Local Oscillator
by Mike Lewis, K7MDL, plus Mike's OneDrive resources
- Remembering Mike Reed KD7TS
by Ray Cannon, W7GLF
- Introduction to Meteor Scatter
a paper by Barry Hansen, K7BWH
2019 Schedule
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Registration and self check-in
Microwave Transverters
Hospitality Suite
Icom Equipment Demos
Hospitality Suite
Friday Dinner
Red Robin
Saturday Breakfast
Opening Remarks and Introductions
Pres. Gary WA7BBJ
Rove to Rattlesnake Grids DN02-DN04
James K7KQA
6-meter Large Vertical Array
Marshall K5QE
Multi-band Microwave Local Oscillator
Mike K7MDL
Catered Lunch
Holiday Inn
Remembering Mike Reed KD7TS
Officer Elections
President Gary WA7BBJ
The outcome was that all officers are continuing in their
current positions.
Treasurer's Report
Treasurer Jim K7ND
Parallel Awards —
Contest Chair Chuck N6KW
Flea Market
Holiday Inn
Tutta Bella Neapolitan Pizzeria
Grand Prize Winners
Yaesu Prize Certificate
went to Eric N7EPD of Graham, WA